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tempLED Product catalog

tempLED RayLine Eco

Cleanroom lighting

Product Catalogue

tempLED application folder

tempLED customer stories

tempLED customer stories

tempLED RayLine Eco

Synthetic resin coating

LED sponsorships

Product brochure

Hohe Temperaturen
High Temperatures

  tempLED RayBeam Pro HT

  tempLED RayBeam Hi V2 HT

  tempLED RayBase V3

  tempLED RayWay HT

  tempLED RayLine Eco V2 line lighting system

  tempLED RayLine Max V2 line lighting system

  tempLED RayCrane HT

Hall Lighting

  tempLED RayBeam Pro HT

  tempLED RayBeam Hi V2 HT

  tempLED RayBase V3

  tempLED RayLance V2

  tempLED RayBeam Pro

  tempLED RayBeam Lite

  tempLED RayLine Eco V2 line lighting system

  tempLED RayLine Max V2 line lighting system

  tempLED RayFlex

Outdoor Lighting

Office lighting

Rein- & Sauberraumbeleuchtung
Clean Room Lighting

Beleuchtung für Sportanlagen
Lighting for Sports Facilities

Tri-proof lighting

Crane Lighting


DIALux PlugIn free download

Here we provide the DIALux Plugin free of charge for download.

The size of the download file is about 200MB.

After installation, it can be used to conveniently and clearly search our wide range of products, for example, by luminaire families, color temperatures or maximum application temperatures. In addition, this technical tool enables quick data export of the desired lights including all relevant data directly into the light planning program DIALux Evo. The integrated update function keeps all users up to date on request.

That's too theoretical for you?
The stories of our
customers will show you
how it looks in action.

Hallo, ich bin Lisa Ihre persönliche Beraterin

.. und ich freue mich auf Ihren Kontakt.

Wenn wir Sie für unsere LED-Industriebeleuchtung und Services begeistern konnten, freuen wir uns, persönlich mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten. Gemeinsam finden wir die für Sie optimale Lichtlösung – lassen Sie uns direkt starten!

Jetzt für kostenlosen tempLED Newsletter eintragen!

Durch Angabe meiner E-Mail-Adresse und Anklicken des Buttons „Eintragen“ erkläre ich mich damit einverstanden, dass die tempLED GmbH mir regelmäßig Informationen zu ihren LED-Beleuchtungssystemen per E-Mail zuschickt. Meine Einwilligung kann ich jederzeit gegenüber der tempLED GmbH widerrufen.

Hello, I am Lisa your personal consultant

… and I am looking forward to your contact.

If we were able to inspire you with our LED industrial lighting and services, we would be happy to get in touch with you personally. Together we will find the optimal lighting solution for you – let’s get started right away!