tempLED for ThyssenKrupp

Where there is casting, sparks fly. Hot ambient temperatures require powerful lighting. The oxygen steel mill is the ideal playground for our RayBeam Hi V2 HT high-temperature LED light, which won’t break a sweat in a hurry.

Customer since 2018

Engineering art under the highest temperature requirements

The customer


The challenge

High ambient temperatures of 70°C and high spot heights of 35m in the oxygen steel plant and the casting-rolling line

The solution

tempLED RayBeam Hi V2 HT

"In 1816 we produced cast steel for the first time at ThyssenKrupp. Even today - more than 200 years later - modern production still presents us with challenges. Temperatures of up to 70°C have to be withstood not only by us, but also by the production environment. Thanks to tempLED's sustainable luminaires, we not only save money, the lighting efficiency has also improved many times over."

Master electrician in oxygen steel plant 2

tempLED RayBeam Hi V2 HT

The example of ThyssenKrupp clearly shows what our LED high-temperature light RayBeam Hi V2 HT is capable of: Our LED industrial light not only convinces by withstanding high temperatures, it also still performs strongly at high altitudes. The large factory halls where production is in full swing are equipped with thousands of LED industrial luminaires that can withstand temperatures of up to 70°C and have very high lighting efficiency.

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our world of light

Hallo, ich bin Lisa Ihre persönliche Beraterin

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Wenn wir Sie für unsere LED-Industriebeleuchtung und Services begeistern konnten, freuen wir uns, persönlich mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten. Gemeinsam finden wir die für Sie optimale Lichtlösung – lassen Sie uns direkt starten!

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Hello, I am Lisa your personal consultant

… and I am looking forward to your contact.

If we were able to inspire you with our LED industrial lighting and services, we would be happy to get in touch with you personally. Together we will find the optimal lighting solution for you – let’s get started right away!