tempLED for Max Bögl

Intelligent LED hall lighting at a high level.

Project from 2024

LED hall lighting for Max Bögl

The customer

Max Bögl

The challenge

Fast installation during the construction phase with tempLED Intelligence

The solution

tempLED RayLine Max V2

tempLED RayTrack
tempLED RayBeam Pro HT
tempLED RayLine Max V2

Lighting of a logistics hall

The innovative tempLED RayLine Max V2 with a total of 2,033 linear meters of LED line lighting was successfully installed in Max Bögl’s new logistics building. The impressive length of the light strip ensures seamless, efficient illumination of the entire hall and thus contributes to an optimal working environment. This project underlines tempLED’s capabilities as a full-service provider of lighting solutions.

Intelligent line lighting Made in Germany

The tempLED RayLine Max V2 not only impresses with its high-quality workmanship, but also with state-of-the-art technology. Made in Germany, the intelligent line lighting system offers maximum efficiency, durability and flexibility. Thanks to the smart control system with tempLED intelligence, lighting and energy consumption can be optimally adapted to the requirements of the operation.

Smooth installation directly from the manufacturer

As a full-service provider, tempLED not only produced and supplied the lighting systems but also took care of the planning and installation. The seamless coordination of all processes enabled rapid and timely installation during the construction phase. This holistic approach shows how manufacturing expertise and well thought-out planning lead to smooth implementation and an optimal lighting solution.

further projects

Hallo, ich bin Lisa Ihre persönliche Beraterin

.. und ich freue mich auf Ihren Kontakt.

Wenn wir Sie für unsere LED-Industriebeleuchtung und Services begeistern konnten, freuen wir uns, persönlich mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten. Gemeinsam finden wir die für Sie optimale Lichtlösung – lassen Sie uns direkt starten!

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Hello, I am Lisa your personal consultant

… and I am looking forward to your contact.

If we were able to inspire you with our LED industrial lighting and services, we would be happy to get in touch with you personally. Together we will find the optimal lighting solution for you – let’s get started right away!