tempLED for Dinkhauser Kartonagen

We were table to witness the installation of our LED light band, the tempLED RayLine Eco!

Customer since 2021

520 meters of LED light band -
the assembly was a cinch,
thanks to Plug & Play

The customer

Dinkhauser Kartonagen

The challenge

Heavy dust and dirt accumulation, High temperatures up to 70°C

The solution

tempLED RayLine Eco

tempLED RayLine Eco

We accompanied our installation partner, tempLED Service Center (TSC), during the installation of the tempLED RayLine Eco.
Our customer Dinkhauser Kartonagen had the efficient and long-lasting LED light band installed over a length of 520 meters. There, the line light resists not only a high degree of dust and dirt, but also an increased working temperature, while at the same time providing an even illumination.

You also need a competent installation partner? The tempLED Service Center (TSC) is looking forward to your inquiry:

All advantages of the LED light band RayLine Eco
are summarized for you in our video - enjoy watching!

Play Video

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Hallo, ich bin Lisa Ihre persönliche Beraterin

.. und ich freue mich auf Ihren Kontakt.

Wenn wir Sie für unsere LED-Industriebeleuchtung und Services begeistern konnten, freuen wir uns, persönlich mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten. Gemeinsam finden wir die für Sie optimale Lichtlösung – lassen Sie uns direkt starten!

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Durch Angabe meiner E-Mail-Adresse und Anklicken des Buttons „Eintragen“ erkläre ich mich damit einverstanden, dass die tempLED GmbH mir regelmäßig Informationen zu ihren LED-Beleuchtungssystemen per E-Mail zuschickt. Meine Einwilligung kann ich jederzeit gegenüber der tempLED GmbH widerrufen.

Hello, I am Lisa your personal consultant

… and I am looking forward to your contact.

If we were able to inspire you with our LED industrial lighting and services, we would be happy to get in touch with you personally. Together we will find the optimal lighting solution for you – let’s get started right away!