tempLED for Böhler Bleche

Customer since 2017
Flexible lighting under extreme conditions
The customer
Böhler Bleche
The challenge
Particularly high temperatures and a high degree of contamination in the hot area halls, assembly on the bridge cranes

"Over the years, we have entrusted tempLED with several projects. Very recently, we are having RayLite Pro equipped with the Casambi radio control system. We enjoy the all-around service that tempLED provides. The additional options, such as the Casambi radio control, also make our planning much easier. "
Technician & Energy Manager
We equipped the hot area halls at Böhler Bleche with hundreds of LED high-temperature lights. The high temperatures that occur during production as well as the high degree of contamination pose a challenge for our RayBeam Pro HT, but the LED industrial light is up to it without any problems. Because defying high temperatures is one of the LED hall lights specialties. And because our LED high-temperature light provides such convincing illumination, the customer also decided to equip its outdoor industrial area with tempLED lights. The RayTrack is an industrial outdoor light with a protection rating of IP 66 and a life span of 100,000 hours. We are currently implementing a third project with our customer Böhler Bleche: LED hall lights of the RayBeam Pro, which we are equipping directly with the smart Casambi radio control system for our customer. With the help of the radio control, the LED industrial lights can be grouped in the hall and controlled via an app. Whether light intensity, automatic switching on and off or an evaluation of the performance – with the Casambi radio control, all doors of modern LED lighting are open to the customer.